Have you grabbed your ticket for DB® LIVE yet? 🎟️

It’s almost here, Reader!

The virtual biz event of the summer - Disobedient Business® LIVE: The Newbie Palooza kicks off tomorrow 🎉- have you grabbed your ticket yet?

From 24th to 27th June - 4 FREE days of strategies and support for new and newish service-based business owners from legit legends! Go from startup to sustainable (without burning out) One Super Easily Implementable Strategy at a time.

I’m speaking about mindset and why you shouldn't work on your mindset first, and I’m in great company alongside 30 other amazing business owners (you might recognise some names!), all sharing their sage wisdom on crafting your sustainably successful business - One Super Easily Implementable Strategy at a time 🔥.

Grab your FREE ticket and

  • Get amongst hundreds of other new and newish service-based business owners cos community is everything when you’re starting out
  • Learn simple and easy to implement strategies from some of the best in the business
  • Pick and choose your days from “Let’s Sell It” to “Let’s Shape It” and from “Let’s Do It” to “It’s All About You”
  • Upgrade to a Total Insider Ticket after you register to get 12 months of access to the presentations, access to the daily LIVE guest panel “Ask Me Anything” sessions, an invite to the accountability and implementation “Get It Done” support week (1st to 5th July) and more

For all the details, your FREE ticket and the chance to upgrade your experience, check out Disobedient Business® LIVE: The Newbie Palooza here.

Sending you massive hugs!

The Financially Empowered Entrepreneur

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