Hey Reader, This morning I realized there are only 48 days left in the year. Can you believe it? It crept up on me. It feels like a good moment to pause and reflect. It doesn't have to be a huge pause, mind you. It can just be a little pause to recalibrate. It's so easy to get swept up in the busy-ness of the season. And global politics don't help. It's easy to feel like you're riding the waves in someone else's boat. It's easy to forget where we have influence. So I'm practicing remembering...
3 months ago • 2 min read
Hi Reader When I started my bookkeeping practice in 2020, a business coach friend asked what the top 3 things I wanted from it were. The only one I can remember with certainty was ‘agency,’ because that’s the one that got me a funny look. Mind you, this was a couple of years after I left teaching. I was on the tail end of burnout, and all I could think about was being able to pee whenever I wanted to, never mind all the bigger things I had wanted to experience and create with my students....
3 months ago • 1 min read
Hey Reader, So it might not surprise you to learn that I could nerd out about data all day. Man, I love talking theory and playing with concepts. But I'm not going to do that to you! Instead, I'm going to try to keep it to the practical stuff, because data can really help us get where we want to go. I was in a couple of conversations last week about goals. In my world, it seems to be that time of year. We're in the last fiscal quarter, planners for 2025 are launching, and people are looking...
4 months ago • 2 min read
Hey Reader, Have you ever noticed how life provides you mirrors? Not literally, but metaphorically. Stuff comes up in the world around you and it prompts self-reflection. Last week, a major theme in my clients and in free office hours was how we can get caught up in this idea that there's one way of doing or seeing things. It's so easy to lose perspective. And that's where having others around helps. Even if it doesn't seem like a blessing in the moment (I know I'm not the only one who gets...
4 months ago • 1 min read
Hey Reader, A quick reminder that if you have questions, I'm opening the doors to office hours! Here are the details: When: Wednesday 9th October, 10AM - 1PM PT (time zone calculator for other time zones) Where: Voxer What: Bring anything you want to Voxer. I'll do my best, and I'll let you know if it's something that we can't really cover over Voxer. You'd be surprised how much we can do with voice messages and text. Why: Win-win - I get insight into what's worrying or confusing you, and you...
4 months ago • 1 min read
Hey Reader, Office Hours are quickly becoming my favorite thing about More Money at the End of the Month. Don't get me wrong, I love the workshops and the energy work, but office hours are where I get to dig in with everyone on a one-to-one basis. I love having the luxury of time to explore plans with people and it allows me to move while working with people, which helps my ideas flow. Plus we have the luxury of playing with ideas and addressing any barriers that come up the whooooole day. I...
4 months ago • 1 min read
Hey Reader! This week, someone commented on how scared they were to do the thing right in front of them. And that sentiment comes up so often when we're looking at money. That fear doesn't come from nowhere. That fear has legitimate roots. But the fearful part of you isn't the only part that exists. So try these questions the next time fear strikes: What does your fearful part need you to know? What does your brave part want you to remember? And when you do the scary thing, you brave badass,...
5 months ago • 1 min read
Hey Reader We kicked off Week 1 in my new group offering this week, and man it reminded me of my first week of teaching way back when. My journal entry read something along the lines of, the kids have bodies and bodies have physical needs. 17 years later, and I'm living those feelings again. I'm a little embarrassed that I forgot until more than halfway through our first workshop that people could use a break. But someone said something super kind. They alluded to me having things together....
5 months ago • 2 min read
Hey Reader, A very quick last email to remind you that registration for More Money at the End of the Month is closing up tonight. If it doesn't feel right for you right now, that's all good! But if now IS the time, we'd love to see you join! We kick off with the first workshop tomorrow morning at 10AM PST/1PM EST. If you aren't able to make it, no worries. It'll be recorded and you have me all day on Wednesday (and every Wednesday for 3 months) to get feedback. Hope to see you there! Brittany
5 months ago • 1 min read